5 Tips to Cure Your Dog's Separation Anxiety

5 tips to cure your dog's separation anxiety

Dogs are social animals and need a lot of interaction with others, whether they are humans or other dogs. When they become too isolated, many dogs have separation anxiety. This is one of the most common illnesses that a dog can have. If his problem is not solved immediately, his nervousness and anxiety may increase.

The symptoms are very different, but recognition is the first step in treating your dog's anxiety about separation.

Your dog may feel very anxious at the first sign of his departure, such as the clink of his keys or putting on a jacket. It can follow you nervously from room to room and some dogs can even become aggressive to prevent you from leaving. In addition, your dog can become destructive in your absence chewing objects or digging out carpets and furniture. If separation anxiety is really serious, the dog can even hurt itself by chewing its own coat or skin until it's raw.

Although there will be good news soon! You can help your dog overcome these problems so you can be reassured when you leave home and know that your dog will be fine in your absence. This is a problem that needs immediate attention if your dog shows signs of separation anxiety because the problem can get worse relatively quickly. Here are 5 tips to get you started:

* Distraction: dogs like to chew, right? Leave your dog bone marrow with the local butcher and bake for about 20 minutes. Cut them into pieces of about 1 inch and give them to your dog 15 minutes before departure. She will love you for it and help you to keep her happy and busy during your stay.

* Take a look: On the ground floor, where your dog can see through the windows, make sure the curtains and blinds are open. Being able to see the outside world is the best way to be there. She will not feel so isolated then.

* Exercise: It will take extra effort on your part, but it will really drain your dog. Take a vigorous walk of at least 20 minutes before leaving. He forces her to spend more time sleeping and worrying about the time remaining.

* Radio: Turn on a nice and entertaining talkback station or even a classic music station and keep the volume down a bit so you can steady it. It can give a dog the illusion that it has companionship and helps it to stay calm.

* Practice: Work with your dog everyday to get used to your game. You can slow it down by just touching the buttons or putting on your coat. If she's nervous, sit down and do not go anywhere. Then practice going out for a few moments and then coming back to show that you will always come back. Begin by waiting only a few moments each time, then work progressively at longer intervals until there is no reaction to your departure.

Separation anxiety is a very serious problem and needs immediate attention. This is not one of the behavioral problems in dogs that are simply "fixed". Never handle too much sympathy for your dog's nervous behavior before you go, it will only confirm your fear. Solve problems with your dog and congratulate him as always in the further course.

These are some of the most important things to learn stop separation anxiety your dog. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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