My Dog Chews Everything - How to Get Your Animal to Stop in Three Simple Tips

how to get your animal to stop in three simple tips

Here are some simple tips to keep your dog from destroying your home. Dogs can be very destructive when they live in the house. Dogs are chewing everything, wooden shoes. This type of behavior can be stopped, but some tips are needed to keep the dog under control. Dogs are very creative and chew everything on the site just to chew on an item. If your dog chews everything and you need tips to stop it, read on.

Tip 1

First, offer your dog an alternative to household items. Give them chew toys that will keep them busy. Some toys to use are busy bones, Kong toys and Dentabones. This kind of toy should keep the dog busy for hours and provide hours of entertainment.

Tip 2

Use a positive tone in your voice to guide them to the toy they are to chew on. Use a stern "NO" in your voice when you start chewing or catching it. Do not beat your dog to stop him. This type of behavior will scare the animal and will not work. Cruel punishment is not the way to train a pet. It has always been proven that positive reinforcement helps your pet deter bad habits.

Tip 3

If the dog is chewing everything, try a spray on the items you are chewing on, even after you introduce the replacement toy. They make sprays or liquids that taste like "bitter apple" and do not make the dog taste that way. There are home remedies that you can consult with your vet for another alternative. This type of effect in animals can also be associated with stress. Make sure you use the pet toy when leaving home.

Even if the dog chews everything, these three simple tips can stop this unwanted behavior. Click on the following link for more helpful tips on dog training on our website.


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