Engage / Disengage: The Best Reactive Dog Training Exercise

 Today we will demonstrate an exercise used when working with dogs, Who is passive. This game is called `` participate/disengage''. 

Engage / Disengage: The Best Reactive Dog Training Exercise

The idea is that your dog is in contact with the trigger-. In this example another dog-by looking at it, Then your dog breaks it by Turn your attention away from the other dogs and look at you, Let's analyze how this works. 

First step, Let the dog check the trigger Many dogs will naturally look at the triggers that produce the reaction On them, so this step is usually easy. However, some dogs may avoid looking at a particularly scary, trigger 

Encourage the dog to look at the trigger 

Even if it's just a quick one, second Step 2 Teach your dog to escape. 

Next, you will encourage your dog to get out of their sight, Move away from the trigger and look at you third step. 

Marks and rewards Once your dog breaks his attention, Move away from the trigger and look at it Use a clicker or other tool to mark the behavior. 

A tag word such as `` yes'', And give rewards 

Remy-Look at me: Yes, it is Remy and I use the focus command. `` look at me''. This means I asked Remy to break the focus and make eye contact with me. 

Focus make eye contact with me. However, if you dont have a focus, The sound of the commands nailing kiss was also very nice. 

The real goal here is just to make Your dog is accustomed to breaking attention from triggers. You can help your dog do this in any way. 

Whether it is throwing a tennis ball requires a hand target Or make a kiss. There is absolutely no problem. This exercise is not to build. This is a command to de-adjust. Your dog's trigger 

Don'T be afraid of experiments, Some dogs are better able to break away from the relationship in the following situations. 

They can perform a physical action such as Lie down or play tug of war. 

The fourth step, Rinse and repeat, Practice this game around the trigger regularly 

Trigger to encourage your dog to watch On the trigger, then disengage and refocus on you to get rewards Do this again and again until your dog, When he sees the trigger, he will actively break the focus. 

After doing this exercise many times, Remy will break his focus on other dogs. Without my prompt, he looked at me as, if saying .

`` Well, I saw another dog 

Will you not give me a biscuit now ``? This is exactly what we want. Your dog is learning how to ignore Trigger and you follow you through repetition, through repetition, When you continue Make yourself a great person to bring joy to your dog, not fear or stress Reward by using food. 

Your dog is building positive associations with those previously terrible triggers And continue to establish a positive connection with you. A focus command is being studied. Practicing a good concentration command can greatly help reactivity. 

So let us discuss how it is done For a focus command. 

Many owners have chosen a phrase such as ``, look at me'' Or `` focus'' or any other term can also work. 

To start using, this command Take out a portion of food and hold it to your eyes, encouraging your dog to look Directly at you When the dog makes eye contact, Click and treat 

Or if you don't use the clicker Use your tag words and give rewards Eye contact is not natural for dogs, So be patient. 

If your dog has difficulty in this area practice the `` concentration'' command indoors In a few days, 

When your dog has nailed inside, You can practice in your driveway or backyard Practice in your driveway or backyard. After doing this, for a few days, You can start to practice walking. The challenge to dogs in the outdoor environment is more than 10 times. 

That of the indoor environment. 

For dogs, the challenge is greater than indoors. Therefore, if your dog is struggling, there is no problem. You may just need to practice more Indoors or familiar Less irritating outdoor environment. Why does this exercise help reactive dogs, 

Reactive dog, Other dogs will bark for one of two reasons: fear or excitement. Fear-Based reactivity is the most common And the dog that reacts to fear. 

People who are excited are called depressed, greeters, No matter what kind of reactivity your dog has. You want to use modular, Relieve sensitivities and counter-regulation methods to help your dog Desensitization means. The process is just the process of getting your dog accustomed to being with other animals, A strange dog so much so that it is no longer a novel experience. 

You have to desensitize your dog and, at the same time, Anti-regulation work is also being carried out. 

How do I teach my dog to disengage?

This is what changes you. The negative associations of dogs with other dogs become positive associations. Engage/Disengage game teaches your dog When they saw a strange dog, They can look at you and get rewards. This is teaching your dog to connect other dogs with good things. 

Other dogs connect with good things Instead of something terrible. It also helps them to keep them below the `` threshold'' by breaking their `` threshold'' Focus so that they dont stare at another dog and go further And further aroused or enriched Troubleshooting. 

How do you exercise a reactive dog?

If your dog can't break their attention On, you repeat the engagement/disen

gagement to practice at greater distances, 

The closer you get to the trigger The harder it is for your dog to break his attention and look at you. 

From a greater distance there, Your dog can stay under the threshold Still have questions, Try higher-value foods.

Some triggers are very exciting For certain dogs And have real special treatment such as Freeze-dried, liver or roasted chicken will make it easier for dogs to break His attention is focused on the trigger re-focusing on you to find that coveted good .

How do you desensitize a leash reactive dog?

If the engagement/disengagement game feels too complicated for you, that's okay, You can just work from more basic anti-conditioning. Take your dog to one they can Seeing their trigger from a safe distance is below the threshold. 

How do you break a reactive dog?

Also known as `` distance'' at this distance, they can remain calm and will not bark or run Then start feeding them. You can just relax your dog And click deliberately to look at you when he chooses Rewards reward your dog for paying attention to you again Or do some therapeutic scatter 

In these situations, your only goal is To help your dog combine other dogs with great goodies, so The trigger is no longer scary. 

It'S something worth celebrating: Have a consistent Environmental, responsive work during practice, Re y and I like to go to this park because we can often see other dogs running here, Because you can often see other dogs running here Play around and nearby in a fenced area. 

When we first came to this park, We will come here to practice basic commands when it is very quiet, For example, tricks And click to relax, Look for body language such as relaxed eyebrows, loose ears and soft eyes. This makes the environment more familiar to the environment without creating a sense of oppression for those people. 

When we saw other dogs Increased Remy's chances of success, I hope this demo video can be helpful to everyone. You owners are trying to be responsive to your dog 

This is the tried and tested method. Most trainers use this method to train reactivity. I know it may seem difficult at first to balance the clicker, the food and your dog 

At the same time, be alert to triggers and grasp the right timing Just keep practicing, I promise it will become easier. 

The practice of `` participate/disengage'' will not change your dog overnight, but if you practice this Keep exercising, you should see some progress within a few weeks to a month. Time and patience are indeed the key here. I also want to emphasize that you and your dog are on the same team. 

If your dog does not listen to you, They are not playing tricks, They just can't concentrate physically Stress on the environment and triggers of overstimulation, So don't be frustrated with them. 

Instead, just continue to practice in more places, Familiar less irritating environment and farther away. 

As a comparison I like to think about when I was no longer afraid of the dark. Wlen I was a kid I don't wake up one day and say: ``, Hey, the darkness is not terrible'' Spent years accumulating experience There. 

I personally witnessed that darkness is not dangerous or scary. Behavior modification is not a one-time event. 

This is one that requires practice and builds up over time. We believe in you, You can do it. We also want to hear from you. Please describe the experience of participating in/out of the exercise in the comments. 

Please also make sure to check out some of the other resources we have 

Like our complete written guide on Reactivity on My Nine Birds website, We also have a smart trigger tracking tool. You can download it for free. Therefore, please make sure to seize this opportunity as well Wish you on your reactive training journey

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