Stop Your Dog from Pulling On the Leash: A Solution to Stop Your Dog Fro...

Solution to Stop Your Dog From Pulling on a Leash

If you are a dog owner that struggles with stopping your dog from pulling and tugging on his or her leash while walking then you are not alone. Many owners make a great effort to stop this uncontrollable behavior trying everything in their training arsenal with no luck. They find themselves avoiding people along the walk by crossing the street or waiting for them to turn the corner before continuing the battle. Rest assured every dog owner goes through the same thing at one point or another it's just that some dog owners are more experienced, some dog breeds learn better, but you too can teach your dog how to walk on a leash.

One of the most popular purchases a dog owner makes is an investment in a dog collar. They buy two types, a collar for their dogs' tags and a choke collar for training, or least the hope of training. While having a dog collar for tags is necessary as most states require dog tags a choke collar may not be the right solution for the inexperienced dog owner.

Choke collars, if not properly placed on your dog can actually damage their throat especially if your dog continues to pull and tug on the leash. Regardless of the size dog from small dog to large dog all are susceptible. Moving to a dog harness for walking is your best and safest option for correcting this bad behavior.

Dog harnesses come in a variety styles and finding the right one to solve your dilemma can seem confusing. Not just any dog harness will work for teaching your dog to walk properly on a leash. For example, a dog harness where the leash attaches at the top of your dog's back will offer no help as your dog feels only the resistance from you as you try to pull him or her back. The dog simply rears up and if they are stronger than you, off you both go running down the street chasing what it is your dog is after.

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