How to House Train (Potty Train) Your Puppy

how to house train (potty train) your puppy

This is new service puppy in training Vany Jole he is about 12 weeks old now and one of the issues that a lot of puppy people have is how straining puppies don't understand that they need to go outside they it's a foreign concept to them and I thought we'd talk a little bit about house puppy training because it is somewhat daunting to people the first thing you need to do is put the puppy on a schedule so by schedule I mean scheduled trips outside and I also mean scheduled feedings so Vany gets fed three times a day he has no trouble eating his food but if you are puppy is not a good eater just leave the food down for 20 minutes and then take it back up until the next feeding in other words don't let them graze all day we want regular feedings because then we'll have regular bathroom breaks so that's the first thing scheduled feedings then we want scheduled trips outside for young puppies they're not they're not moving around more than 30 minute I take them out I also take them out right as soon as they wake up I take them out as soon as theyes befor've finished eating or drinking we're you know if they've if they've played heavily and then go get a big drink of water I take them right outside I also take them outside if they've just finished a great romping play session because they've probably forgotten that they have to go to the bathroom because they're in the middle of play so I like to get those things scheduled feedings and trips outside when I do take them outside if like if he's just woken up from a nap I will carry him carry him out because if I don't he's gonna stop along the way and do his business.

How to Potty Train a Puppy On Pads?

You know in the hallway or on the carpet or wherever so I carry them outside right to where I need them to go right now in the winter it's snow packed it doesn't matter just take them to where you want them to go does it matter if it's wet or rainy or snowy or icy just carry them out to where you need them to go then just stand there I don't I don't talk to them a whole lot I don't play with them at all bathroom time is literally for bathroom time if you need to like we have a fenced-in yard but if you don't the fenced-in yard make sure they're always on a leash that way they can't get away from you and they can't wander too much as soon as they start to go to the bathroom I say whatever word I want to use to tell them to go to the bathroom in the future so for Vany  it happens to be hurry up so as soon as you start to go the bathroom how to potty train a puppy fast I say hurry up hurry up and then when he's done tell him what a good boy is click believe I what a good boy and then we'll go off to do our playing or our walk or our fun stuff but it's always bathroom first then walk or playtime when they're done I typically don't use food or a clicker to teach them how to how to go to the bathroom it's something that they already know how to do I just want them to go outside to do it last but not least just be patient if they go to the bathroom in the house please don't rub their nose in it please don't take them over to it and tell them know what that's teaching them to do is hide from you.

When they go to the bathroom they're not they're not understanding that you don't want them to go to the bathroom in the house they're understanding that when you find it then they're in trouble so we always want them to tell us when they have to go and we take them right outside and they get big rewards for doing it one last point I always like to take them out the same door so always the same door if he happens to go up to that door for whatever reason I tell him he's a good boy and I take him right outside so he might just have a toy in his mouth and walk past the door that's fine yeah Levi you walk past the door let's go outside of it I want him to put the two together that going to the door always results in him going out and then always always always have the puppy near you that this dog at this age gets no house freedom whatsoever so he gets no unsupervised time in the house he's always created or leashed to me or he's outside with me so the house training a puppy is daunting it does take a while but the more consistent you are with your puppy the faster it's going to go for you and for the puppy so hopefully that will help for more fast fun and dog trading ideas

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