How to Deal With Puppy Crying and Separation Anxiety

how to deal with puppy crying and separation anxiety

Hi guys today we're going to be talking about puppy separation anxiety solutions and house Buffy crying howling and whining a little bit about separation anxiety I'd like to start off by mentioning that for a dog it's not natural to be left alone so we have to actively teach them do not wait for the first time and you have to leave the dog alone for five to eight hours to find out whether or not is gonna be okay instead while you are still at the house with your puppy start teaching the puppy that II left alone is not the end of the world also this training might go a little bit hand in hand with confinement rate or Creek we want to teach the puppy that being left alone is not the end of the world and we do that by just leaving him alone for a few seconds in the beginning and by building up the duration now don't make it more complicated for the puppy all the time every now and then make it easy for the puppy so if at the moment the puppy's already good and staying alone for like five minutes every now and then try to leave him alone for just one or two minutes one of the things that is usually very helpful to prevent separation anxiety is to teach the puppy that.

When you leave he gets something really valuable so use food towards puzzles or dogs for example and stuff them with something that the puppy really likes and provide those things when you're about to leave the other thing that you should be paying a little bit of attention at is if you are coming back to the puppy when he's crying my suggestion is that you wait a little bit until the puppy calms down and then you reach for the puppy now this is a matter of personal preference but I like to keep the puppy with the new family inside the bedroom for the first few nights or the first few weeks that's gonna make it easier for the puppy and do if the puppy is being crate trained then it's sort of easy to night by night get the crate to start to move away from the bed in direction or where you want to pump in to be spending the night end for example the hallway or the living room now let's go talk to the veterinary doctor and see what the veterinarian perspective is on it separation anxiety

Puppy Separation Anxiety Solutions

As well today we're going to talk a little bit about separation anxiety the first question is are there any drugs or medications that we can use to treat separation anxiety as I said yes yes there are there are some drugs that we use this in these specific cases the most widely used are polygamy and amitriptyline okay and in which would you recommend the use of these drugs and in which cases would you recommend to use them well we we have to use these drugs only in specific cases we must always consider th and alt status of the of the of the pads and we have to know that these substances are psychotropic substances and so their sale is under medical prescription and I think most of the cases have to be accompanied by therapy behavioral therapy okay so in the cases in which you actually end up suggesting the use of these drugs you will also suggest the owner to use some sort of behavioral term training in most of the cases okay thank you so much thank you if we are talking about a moderate to severe case of separation anxiety then you do need to need to use desensitization and counter conditioning to solve the problem your professional will be able to establish a program that will help you with that but pretty much what you will be doing is assuming that.

The dog has never been conditioned to be left alone pretty much the same way that you would do for a young puppy at the same time you will have to use management you'll have to make sure that the dog is not exposed to the full-blown thing that is creating the separation anxiety so in other words you are not going to leave your dog alone for eight hours a day while you are trying to solve the problem so you might need a help family members friends you might need to use doggie daycare or you might have to take your dog with you to work so that you make sure that while we are solving the problem your dog is not exposed to that traumatic event for mild cases often how to deal with puppy separation anxiety separation anxiety the simple approach of providing something the dog really wants when you're about to eat like a food toy for example you should be pretty helpful at the same time I recommend that you make sure that your dog is getting a lot of activity physical exercise going with you places doing dog sports make sure that his food is not for free making challenging and interesting that's all I have for you today feel free to leave question comment section below.

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